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Powered by clean energy, cooled by new air conditioning, and aglow with new floors, Poly’s Scott and Gamble Gyms welcomed students into a new school year.

Powered by clean energy, cooled by new air conditioning, and aglow with new floors, Poly’s Scott and Gamble Gyms welcomed students into a new school year


Many storied events have taken place in Poly’s Scott and Gamble Gyms—from CIF Championship wins to all-school assemblies and performing art extravaganzas. Thanks to donor support, we began the 2024–2025 school year with a newly refurbished gym HVAC system, powered by solar energy, and with refreshed facilities.


This past summer, Poly community members watched the gyms transform. A solar-powered HVAC system was installed to reduce our carbon emissions, replacing the aging gas heating system. Additionally, the Scott Gym flooring was refurbished and repainted. Scott Bello, Director of Athletics and The Otis Booth Foundation Athletic Chair said, “This refurbishment has been a win for all, from our first graders playing with hula hoops in PE Class to our upper school student-athletes. This effort included our climate-conscious students and all of our community members who have been in the gyms on a hot day. We are thrilled with this outcome.”


An initial gift of $2,000,000 from an anonymous donor family kicked off the refurbishment project and inspired others. The gyms are especially meaningful for donors Amanda and Mark K. Holdsworth ’83, P ’18, ’20, ’25, who donated to the Gym HVAC project. Amanda and Mark have watched their daughters play sports for years and remember many sweltering afternoons in the gyms. Mark’s personal memories of his time at Poly also influenced the family’s support. The Athletics program has deeply engaged the family in student life at Poly.

















“Our youngest daughter, Caroline, is a very good volleyball player, and spends a lot of time in the gym,” said Mark. “We’ve seen the value of sports in her overall development. We really believe in the mission of sports. Donating to the existing facilities made a lot of sense for us.”


For the Holdsworths and other donors, the energy efficiency and green initiatives of the school are also a big draw. Manager of Environmental Sustainability Laura Fleming shared, “This is our flagship renewable energy project, combining two things that are important ways to reduce the school’s carbon impact. This upgrade improves ventilation for all who enjoy the gyms, and creates a surplus of energy that we can use on North Campus.”


Students were particularly enthusiastic about the project. At the beginning of the 2023–2024 school year, leaders of the Middle School Sustainability Club unanimously focused their attention on solar energy at Poly.


“It means a lot to me that the gyms are able to be refurbished, and refurbished sustainably,” said Ollie A-J ’25. “It means that the students know that people care about us, especially donors and alumni. It means a lot to us to know that our needs are being met and our voices are being heard specifically around sustainability. I’m really grateful for all that donors have done to support the students at Poly.”


The gym refurbishment also supports Poly’s long-term vision for its Athletics program, with a goal to help the department thrive and grow. The Scott and Gamble Gyms hold a special place on campus, connecting North and South Campus as a community center and space for personal improvement.


“We know how important Athletics can be in terms of helping students understand health and wellness, teamwork, leadership, and collaboration,” Head of School John Bracker said. “There are so many incredible lessons that  happen in Athletics which are found nowhere else. We should have top-notch facilities in order to support our program.”


Poly is grateful to the donors, athletic coaches, operations personnel, and administrators who made this refurbishment possible. Our growth as a school is possible through interdepartmental  teamwork, demonstrated through in the refurbishment of the Scott and Gamble Gyms.


“A huge thank you to our donors for providing seed funding for our flagship renewable energy project at Poly,” said Ms. Fleming. “This is just the beginning of how we need to transform our campus away from fossil fuels for heating and electricity. This is a project that our students are very passionate about. You are investing in our students’ futures.”

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